Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cooking While Working

I finally got a job a couple of weeks ago so I don't have the time I usually do to cook.  I always have wondered how working women here balance cooking with working.  It's definitely not an easy task!  In Bahrain its much easier because many working women have maids or depend on their mothers for cooking.  Here, I wake up at around 7:30 am every day and come back home at around 7:00-7:30 pm.  I have a pretty long commute (slightly less than an hour) so I come back exhausted!  This has made me obsessed with finding fast, easy yet still delicious recipes.  I've been calling my mom a lot and visiting a lot to find these recipes.  I want to cook more substantial meals on the weekends that I can freeze for a few days of the week at least, but so far I've either had the flu, or gone to work during the weekend.  Hopefully next weekend I'll make something though.  I can't imagine what Ramadhan is going to be like!


Gardens of Sand said...

Yeah cooking and eating home food can be difficult when you are working FT and have a commute. I havea 45 min commute to work each way and evening classes twice a week. A little planning goes a long way. Come Sunday, I am cooking a storm! 2 dinners, and lunch for several the weekday. The hardest part is trying to keep it healthy and to succumb to the ease of fast food

Mimi Cooks said...

Mabrouk your new job! salamtek from the flu :)

Reeshiez said...

Gardens of Sand: Sounds like you have a busy schedule too! Yeah I agree - it all has to do with planning. Hopefully now I'll have the time to cook and freeze on sunday. I've been trying really hard to not eat fast food but sometimes it doesn't work out, lol - the good thing is that fast food starts tasting disguisting after a while so you can only eat it for so long.

Summer: Allah salmich. Thanks for the good wishes and keep writing more recipes on that wonderful blog of yours!

Anonymous said...

fascinating blog - love it!

Reem said...

ur blog is amazing! I spent hours reading through it all!! i'm extremely hungry now!! :) waiting for your next post!

Summer said...

Reeshiez, please email me regarding an arab cooking club that was formed recently called "Walima".
few Arab bloggers got together and want to promote Arabic food on the blogs. we have a challenge this month, and it is our first, to cook Algerian food, you are welcome to participate, if you have time.
next month challenge will be from Bahrain, and we are looking into getting you in our club to give us a recipe to cook from bahrain, one savory and one sweet.
please email me at

cookingtheeasyway at gmail dot com

thanks and hope to read from you soon. have a great day!

Arlette said...

Marhaba Reeshiez,
I got your site through Summer, and its a very interesting blog.
I am looking for some Bahraini recipes for our next challenge next month, if you can help us, also, I am confirming the invitation Summer sent you regarding the Arabic Cooking Club, we are trying to invite all the Arab Cooks to join us... we are doing cooking challenges every month from one Arab Country and post it on our blog...
please let me know soon as possible.

thanks in advance for your help

John said...

A perfect blog!
Thank you for it! said...

Wow, there is a great deal of useful information in this post!